Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tactics | How To Counter-Attack |

Hello my friends!!!

The counter-attack can mean very different things. I've been in charge of sides facing much stronger opposition and have been forced to look at playing on the break because we'd simply expect to be penned back a lot. Other teams use counter-attacking tactics successfully against weaker teams and in two or three quick moves can go from defending to scoring a goal.

The counter-attack can be effective defending a set-piece and in open play.  By having players on the edge of your on box ready to burst forward, things can be happen quickly. From open play it is a little more intricate. The great teams will invite opponent onto them and then, midfield players steal the ball. Gone in the big crunching tackle that sends player and ball into touch. A good striker will be aware of possession being won and look to get on the outside of his centre half.

From pro tips, Counter-attack start on the traning ground, not the pitch, so prepare your players.
Organise Your Team, Instill Right Mentallity And Encourage Speed!!!

At the World Cup 2010 in South Africa, more than one in ten of all goals in the competition  were score due to fast breaks on the counter-attack!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to play like Leo Messi (Part Two)

Thinking on your feet | Stay sharp when you recieve the ball |

" If you think before your opponent where the ball is going to go then you have an advantage. If you stay with the ball at your feet and think about what to do, you are going to lose the ball. Lionel Messi is the best player are the quickest thinker. Where is his teammate going to run to?Which one has the space? He can be the best passer in the world.

Drawing a foul | Confuse you opponent |

Make the opponent think that you are going one way, then go the other. Confuse him. And when your opponent has the ball, close him down quickly. Put him under pressure before he's even had time to think about an attack. Another thing, if the attack has gone, don't waste energy playing catch-up. You can be as much use to the team as a defender if the ball comes back. Or you can move up more slowly and still be in position to shoot if the ball comes back to you.

Play the ball fast and keep it down | Dealing with a giant |

If you play against a big player, you play the ball quickly on the pitch. Playing a quick one-two is also very effective as a bigger players are slower to react and turn. if you can get the ball past them a few times using a one-two they will be more reluctant to rush in a tackle, so you have more space to play.